Friday, March 26, 2010

26 March 2010: Parlimen Hulu Selangor milik UMNO?

Saya berharap BN akan meletakkan calon UMNO untuk kerusi Parlimen Hulu Selangor berikutan kematian calon PKR.

Ini adalah berdasarkan kepada perkara2 di bawah:

1.  Statistik pengundi melayu adalah melebihi pengundi bukan Melayu, sila lihat statistik di bawah:
The Malays make up 53.9 per cent of the more than 60,000 voters in the constituency. The Chinese vote pool there stands at 26.7 per cent, and Indians, approximately 19 per cent, while other races are at 0.41 per cent.

2.  Parti MIC bercelaru.  Pengundi kaum India hanyalah 26.7 peratus shj, saya rasa mereka tak akan mengundi BN.  MIC pun depa tak percaya camane?

3.  BN harus melihat kepada majoriti pengundi melayu yang berada di Hulu Selangor, kalau diletak calon MIC, undi akan pecah kerana mereka tak akan mengundi calon MIC,

4.  Harus di ingat pada PRU 12, pengundi bukan melayu secara rata2 tidak mengundi BN,

5.  Undi melayu akan bertambah jika calon UMNO di ketengahkan, bukan macam PRU 12, orang melayu pun tak mengundi BN pasal Pak Lah flip flop dan menantunya KJ si KITOL,

6.  Pengundi melayu akan lebih cenderung mengundi BN, jika BN meletakkan calon dari UMNO,

7.  PKR tengah berpecah belah, inilah masanya BN meng'utilise' kelebihan UMNO yang sedang bersatu di SELANGOR.

8.   Pengundi Cina?  MCA is hopeless... so dont count on them... concentrate on the Malay votes!

9.  And oh.. jgn libatkan KJ si kitol dari pilihanraya kecil ni... BN will do just fine.....

Sila baca di sini untuk analisis menarik mengenai Parlimen Hulu Selangor pada PRU 12 dan di sini

Keputusan PRU 12 Parlimen Hulu Selangor di bawah... sumber dari SPR Msia

Saturday, March 20, 2010

20th March 2010: Anuar Ibrahim will be jailed for TREASON??

I've read article by DPM Muhyidin, and just I've read similar article, but this time from the PM Najib himself.. read here from NST

Najib says ""The authorities know what to do. It’s up to them,"   This is probably the strongest hint yet to his minister from KDN.  Somewhat lately, I think KDN has been mellowing down... some even suggest KDN is turning 'gayish'  hehehe or some might say sotongi....

I personally say, this is the time to uphold laws!  After all the majority (read BN voters) are behind KDN through the elected government, or do you want the majority to vote PKR, PAS, DAP etc?

But this time around, do it professionally... I know for a fact that our police force is very competent.  just do it!

This time around, take in whovever flouts the law... charge them immediately.  Ini termasuklah si penipu2 mcm juak2 pembangkang.. smua bende depa nak kencin...  takde satu bende pun yg kerajaan buat yg elok.

Anuar knows what he did was wrong, tu yg cepat jek lari pi UK.. hahaha kepanasan.....

ps: part TREASON tu, aku tak confirm la, pi la carik mana2 loyar tanya, kes nuar tipu dgn menggunakan nama Agong tu masuk kriteria apa?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

16 March 2010 - Boikot Sweden?

Read an article from UTUSAN today.. read here

Bagus juga rasanya dengan cadangan tersebut, tapi lebih elok jika kerajaan menyuarakan bantahan secara rasmi. Called up the ambasador/konsulat, tell them clearly, we as an ISLAMIC country are deeply saddened etc.. etc..

Aduss... takde langsung ke gov agencies yg bule berpikiaq skit, take initiatives, proactives... err KSU sila ambil perhatian.... 

Kalo tak jalan, suruh jek our foreign minister or JAKIM. Explain to them, that stereotyping ISLAM as terrorist is deeply un called for!

Kalo tak leh gak, last step barulah bule boikot..


Full article as follows...

Hina Nabi: Umat Islam digesa boikot barangan Sweden

16/03/2010 7:08pm

KUALA LUMPUR 16 Mac – Seorang penyokong kerajaan menyarankan umat Islam di negara ini memboikot barangan keluaran Sweden sebagai bantahan terhadap tindakan tiga akhbar negara itu menyiarkan lakaran karikatur menghina Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

Datuk Ismail Mohamed Said (BN-Kuala Krau) berkata, kerajaan Sweden perlu memohon maaf kepada umat Islam di seluruh dunia kerana kejahilan warganya iaitu pelukis Lars Vilks yang jelas tidak menghormati agama Islam.

"Mereka seharusnya memahami perasaan penganut agama lain dalam memastikan keseimbangan berterusan dalam setiap perkara,” katanya ketika membahas usul menjunjung kasih titah ucapan Yang di-Pertuan Agong di Dewan Rakyat di sini.

Lakaran karikatur berkenaan yang pada mulanya dikemukakan kepada sebuah pusat warisan budaya Sweden untuk pameran, ditolak atas sebab-sebab keselamatan, tetapi sebuah akhbar Sweden kemudian menyiarkannya.

Ini membawa kepada bantahan negara-negara Islam dan Vilks menerima beberapa ancaman bunuh.

Pada 10 Mac lepas, tiga akhbar Sweden lain menyiarkan semula karikatur itu.

"Tidakkah mereka terfikir disebabkan kejahilan tersebut boleh memberi kesan yang tidak baik seperti yang berlaku pada tahun 2008, apabila akhbar Denmark, Politiken yang menyiarkan perkara sama dan kemudiannya mendapat kecaman masyarakat Islam seluruh dunia,” kata Ismail. – Bernama

Sunday, March 14, 2010

14th March 2010: GST for ordinary folk in Malaysia

Read here for an interesting article abt GST from Msian Insider,

Or can read below:

GST for the layperson in Malaysia — The Black Cactus

MARCH 14 — On 24th Of November, Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Razak had announced the introduction of Goods And Services Tax ( also known as Value Added Tax ) to replace the existing Sales And Services Tax ( of 5 per cent ) in the near future. The date scheduled would be roughly in the third quarter of year 2011. It has faced stiff opposition upon tabling in Parliamentary sittings, stating that Malaysians are not ready to deal with the full brunt of a tax that would ultimately make end users ( consumers ) pay for the entire tax imposed on every purchase amounting to the initial 4 per cent proposed ( which will increase as it did in many other countries implementing this policy ).

The question remains whether the government and most importantly, the citizens of Malaysia, are prepared to embrace this new taxation system wholeheartedly when policy makers do not make it a point to educate the layperson the true nature of this policy and its mechanics. Though it was promised that this system would help bring in a total of RM1 billion in the first year of its implementation, many do not realise that there has been much outflight of capital due to

* Widespread corruption ( a simple example that would strike a chord among readers would be the PKFZ scandal which cost taxpayers around RM 17 billion — equivalent of 17 years of GST ).
* Wastages in expenditure of money in government coffers (for building crooked bridges linking Singapore )

Malaysia has been stuck with fiscal deficits for more than a decade. The budget deficit is projected to have ballooned to a record high of more than 7 per cent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) last year, although the Government is determined to bring that level down to 5.6 per cent of GDP this year, and less than 4 per cent of GDP by 2015. Apparently the Government’s revenues cannot keep pace with the growth of its operating and development expenditures over the 12 years.

There are more examples that could have been stated but the above gives a clear impression on how many issues that has to be dealt with before we start to give GST a chance.
Having said that, if GST implemented in the right atmosphere, could spur economic growth and prosperity. It would bring Malaysia closer towards trade liberalisation which is imperative if Malaysians wish to compete on a global business scale. This article will also highlight the benefits of GST shortly.

Hence, the main aim of this article would be raise awareness and educate the layperson on the street about how GST works, what are the stakes that are being raised with its implementation and how would GST affect an average consumer.

• Terminologies Made Easy / What Is GST?
• Terminologies Worth Understanding

Before proceeding further in explaining the details behind GST, it is worthwhile to have a grasp on the frequently used terminologies that one might encounter while reading about any taxation system. The appendix at the end of this article will serve as a reference which might make it easier to comprehend GST ( please read below ).

What Are The Types Of Taxes?

The taxpayers are taxed in two ways ( direct and indirect taxes ). Examples of direct taxes are income tax and road tax ( in which taxpayers will definitely realise their tax burden and pay to the government accordingly ). Another way of taxation is through indirect taxes, where taxpayers don’t realise that they are being taxed since the amount of tax is already included in the selling price ( namely GST ).

What Is GST?
GST basically means Goods And Services Tax ( or Value Added Tax ) which is scheduled to replace the current Sales Tax at 5 per cent. It was invented by a French economist called Maurice Laure in 1954.

GST is an indirect type of tax. The cost of tax is finally imposed on the consumer or end user though each step in the supply chain will collect tax and returned to the government. However, the supply chain can also claim back the GST included in the product that they buy ( a simple way how it works will be depicted in easy to understand diagram in Part 3 : The Mechanics Of GST ).

GST is crucial in the steps leading up to full trade liberalisation. This is done by compensating revenue loss (government money ) by reducing tariffs ( tax on imported goods ) while maintaining gains in production by moving producer prices to world prices. This will make Malaysian business market more competitive in the international market.

The problem is according to studies ( Emran & Stiglitz 2005 ) is that broader taxes like GST will reduce social welfare because developing countries like Malaysia has a large informal sector (refer appendix below for definition ).

What Is The Difference Between GST and Sales Tax?

Both sales tax and GST are consumption based taxed ( meaning it is based on how much and what you purchase ).
The main difference is that sales tax is charged on certain classes of locally manufactured goods and similar imported goods. Some goods are not charged if specifically exempted by order of the Ministry of Finance.

GST is broader, and each step of the process from manufacturer to retailer is taxed


* Tax placed on imported goods and consists of a few types namely — Revenue, Ad Valorem, Prohibitive and Protective

Revenue Tariff
* Designed to increase government funds
* For example, a country not growing bananas can create tariff on importing bananas
* Hence this will allow collecting money from businesses that import bananas

Informal Sector
* Economic activity that is neither taxed or monitored by government

Input Tax Credit
* An amount allowed to offset GST included in the price paid for getting a material

GST Exemptions
* There are some types of supplies that are not subject to GST. These are called GST-free supplies and input taxed supplies

GST Free Supplies
* Some supplies are not taxable and are called GST-free supplies.
* If a supply is GST-free, GST cannot be charged on the supply, but input tax credits may be available for anything acquired or imported for use in the enterprise.
* GST-free supplies include, but are not limited to:
* most food,
* exports,
* most health services,
* most educational supplies,
* most child care services, and non-commercial activities of charities

Input Taxed Supplies
* If a supply is input taxed:
* GST is not charged on the supply, AND
* input tax credit entitlements are not accrued for anything acquired or imported to make the supply.
* Input taxed supplies include:
* financial supplies which include most transactions relating to money,
* supplies of residential rents,
* supplies of residential supplies (except for the sale of a new house),
* supplies of precious metals, and
* supplies of food by school tuckshops.

The Mechanics Of GST
This part will discuss briefly on how GST works in a nutshell. We will attempt to learn the mechanics of GST through a very easy example. Also what will be taught is the basic calculation anyone could do to determine how much of GST you are paying for any given goods purchased.

GST Made Easy
It is imperative to know that GST is paid at each process involved in the chain of supply. Businesses that has to be registered for GST has a subjective criteria based on the legislation of that particular country, for example
* In Singapore, any business involving more than 1 million Singaporean dollars for the past quarter of the year or exceeds that amount in 12 months has to be registered
* In Australia, all businesses with an annual turnover of A$50,000 or more ( A$100,000 or more for non-profit organisations ) has to register for GST

When a business is registered for GST, it can claim input tax credit ( read the appendix of the previous entry ) for goods, services or anything that is bought for the business from the Internal Revenue Board / Royal Malaysian Customs. This means that the GST taxes flow along the supply chain and is included in the price paid by the consumer. However remember that consumers cannot claim input tax credits.

Also it should be highlighted that GST rests on the supplier of goods and services, not on the consumer. So, even if the business does not include the GST in the price of goods and services supplied, it still has to pay it to the Internal Revenue Board eventually.

Day A In The Life Of GST
Here we are going to illustrate how GST works with a very simple example which is as realistic as it gets. We will set the GST at 4 per cent

• Pak Abu, a timber logger sells timber to Muthusamy, a furniture manufacturer, for RM220 ( including RM9 GST).
• Muthusamy pays the RM9 GST to the Internal Revenue Board
• Muthusamy uses the timber to make a table and sells it to Wai Kong, a furniture retailer, for RM440 (including RM 18 GST )
• Muthusamy is entitled to an input tax credit for the RM9 GST included in the price paid to Pak Abu.
• He offsets this RM9 against the RM18 payable on the supply of the table to Wai Kong and pays RM9 to the Internal Revenue Board
• Wai Kong sells the table to Isabella, a consumer, for RM550 (including RM22 GST)
• Wai Kong is entitled to an input tax credit for the RM18 GST included in the price paid to Muthusamy.
• He offsets this RM18 against the RM22 GST payable on the supply of the table to Isabella and pays RM4 to the Internal Revenue Board.
• Isabella purchased the table for RM550
• Isabella bears the full costs of theRM22 GST as consumers cannot claim input tax credits. Total: RM22
• Still don’t get it? It’s alright, let’s break it down again to all the calculations that were done in a very self explanatory manner
• Pak Abu sells to Muthusamy for RM220

* GST is included by calculating 4/100 x 220 = RM9 GST included to product
Muthusamy makes a table after purchasing from Pak Abu at RM220 ( including RM9 GST ) and sells it to Wai Kong for RM440 plus RM18 GST

* Muthusamy sells to Wai Kong for RM440 from the RM220 he purchased from Pak Abu
* So the Value Added for services here is 440 – 220 = RM220 ( he makes profit here )
* Then Muthusamy calculates the GST of his product by 4/100 x 440 = RM18 GST
* Muthusamy then is entitled to claim RM9 GST input tax credit charged on him by Pak Abu so, RM18 – 9 = RM9 GST paid by Muthusamy

Wai Kong sells the table to Isabella the consumer for RM550 ( RM550 – 440 = RM110 is the Value Added for service charges )
* The charged GST now 4/100 x RM550 = RM22 GST included to product
* Wai Kong can claim RM18 input tax credit ( by the GST charged by Muthusamy ) hence the GST paid by Wai Kong to the Internal Revenue Board is RM22 – 18 = RM4

Isabella as the consumer bears the total cost of tax
* This amounts up all the taxes in the chain of supply meaning RM9 + 9 + 4 = RM22 ( inclusive in the RM550 of the purchase amount )

Understand the whole process yet? If yes, go through once again at the table before the detail calculation narrated above and it will make more sense to you now. If you don’t get it, please read the example above slowly a couple of times and you will be able to figure it out easily. You don’t need to be an accountant to do this.

Reverse Engineering GST From A Product
Alright, so now that you have understood how GST is included in a particular product sold to the end user / consumer, now let us try to figure out how to reverse calculate the amount of GST in a product that might be purchased by you, the customer
* Say a watch is purchased at RM1000, how do you determine the GST charged on you?
* Simple, do a simple algebra like the following with ‘Y’ as the value before GST is added
* RM1000 = 4/100 x ‘Y’ + ‘Y’
* Hence, 1.04Y = RM1000
* Y = 1000 / 1.04 = RM962
* RM962 is the value before the addition of GST
* So the GST added is 1000 – 962 = RM38 to the consumer

Plain arithmetic. So long as the GST is 4 per cent you just need to divide the product price with 1.04, and if the GST is 10 per cent use 1.1 instead.

Practice Makes Perfect With GST
So there you have it, the secrets of GST revealed in a nutshell. And of course, most readers would be dumbfounded by the mathematics explained above. As with most things in life, have another ( or much more ) glances at the calculations and you will realize that it is simple once you get the hang of it. Let me emphasize once again, you need not be a financial analyst, economist or an accountant to figure it out ( I reasoned it out myself with just proper research )

The Rise And Fall Of GST
This section will discuss the technical problems any administrator and taxpayers that might face with the implementation of GST. A brief description on the advantages and disadvantages of GST will be narrated as well.
• Problems Related To Administrators ( Government )
• Proper Computer Knowledge And Trained Staff

An efficient computer system and staff capable of handling such technology is compulsory in order to fully carry out the accounting of GST without a hitch. This is required to ensure that auditing and checking revenues from GST is worked out properly.

Printing of GST invoices has to be counterfeit proof and administering the invoice has to be computer based plus has to be synchronized with all the system in the whole country.
Rate Of Tax And Exemption

Steps must be taken to choose a suitable tax rate that will not burden the poor. For example if a lower tax rate is imposed on necessities, this will only benefit the affluent. The rich would spend less but gain more benefits from the concession.

Impact On General Price Level
In the initial phases of implementation, there can be no denial that prices of items will increase. However according to studies, this might just a transient stage and thereafter, GST will not have a huge impact on inflation. This has been witnessed when GST was started in China in 1994 and in Australia. Hence, GST is seen as not inflationary or deflationary either depending on the implementation.

Problems Related To Taxpayers ( Consumers )
Keeping Track Of Accounting: With the implementation of GST businesses will need to keep their accounting records in check. However, most small businesses nowadays don’t have a proper accounting system of their own. It is worth to note that documentation and accounting records influence tax exemptions in the business.

Accounting records are highly useful when government officers perform audit or investigation.

In Singapore, accounting records has to be kept by a GST registered trader for at least 5 years.

The public and especially businesses need to be fully aware of the mechanics of GST. This will avoid unwarranted increases in price of goods and services. This will require a comprehensive education campaign.

The Fall Of GST
The following are the bane that plagues the implementation of GST in our country.
1. With a recent price hike in petrol, prices of commodities have increased. Do we need another burden called GST?
2. Income tax brackets for high earners are not as ‘expensive’ as middle-to-low income groups.
3. GST is tax on spending. Everything from parking fees to purchasing mattress. Even with GST-exempted items, this would still hit lower income groups in Malaysia.
4. Private sectors are not paying much to Malaysians, other more developed countries like Singapore could afford this due to higher wages & salaries.
5. Other countries such as Britain, India, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore has GST - Doesn’t mean GST has to be implemented in Malaysia. Their economic status and way of gaining revenue varies from Malaysia.
6. Inflation may happen despite the staunch rhetoric to deny that fact. Introduction of GST, consumers will end up paying the ultimate price.
7. Corruption is rampant in Malaysia - So businesses has already included ‘corruption prices’ in goods & services. How does that not reflect additional costs to consumers?
8. Out of inflation pressures, higher prices for goods & services are sought.

The Rise Of GST
Instead of painting a grim picture on the perspectives of GST ever being implemented in Malaysia, here are a few goodies that GST could deliver to our doorsteps.
1. Implementation will not be abrupt. It will be a slow & steady tax preparation so that individuals and small businesses will not be adversely affected.
2. It will replace the 10+5 per cent services and goods tax. This means taxes are lower now - Consumers need not pay more for one area, but it’s divided into many other source of ‘tax’ payments.
3. GST rates are promised at 4 per cent, out of the normal 10 per cent or 5 per cent charged in restaurants.
4. Implementation will not occur until middle to late 2011 or 2012. Planning time is essential to not put ‘inflation pressure’ on small businesses.
5. Government’s coffers will increase. This will enable further development and budget control to the country, other than relying just on petroleum or income tax revenues.
6. Tax when consumed, not when earned is much better. It allows better control. Spending influences will be “Careful” and “More controlled” when purchasing on higher prices are made rather than “taxable incomes” generated from work.
7. It’s a broad-based tax system. Some items may be slightly more expensive & cheaper. It’s not a overall standardised taxation method.

The government has to weigh in the pros and cons as well as the correct timing of the implementation of GST so that the burden on the society will not be increased. Much issues has to be expunged ( notably inflation, corruption and accountability ) before the bold step of putting GST into action is done.
And the people of Malaysia, it is your duty to educate yourself on how GST works and how it will effect your livelihood.


1. Goods And Services Tax, Problems And Effects Of Implementation ( Abood Mohammad Salmeen Lebel )
2. Australian Trade And Taxation Department
3. Singaporean Trade And Internal Revenue Services
4. Making Sense Of GST, Star Online ( Cecilia Kok )

Saturday, March 13, 2010

13th March 2010: GST for Malaysian & New Economic Model (NEM)



Ok, read here from NST 13th March 2010

then, read here from Msian Insider on similar topics

My thoughts - Datuk Seri Najib, please scramble all gov agencies to explain more on the GST. and err, please help convince us that GST will help the rakyat marhaen, sure ke harga barang tak naik, as far as I know, all co will have to include all 4% GST in their commercial invoice, wont it increase the total value of goods. Do you think manufacturer will lower down their price becoz of no Duty/Sales tax (which is roughly abt 15%). Betui ka?


read here from our 2nd finance minisiter
>> I'd love it and perhaps become more convinced that gov is committed to uphold the NEP spirits.

read here for the latest buzz abt NEM, erm.. good move!

a. The new econimic policy has no special provisions for the benefits of the majority bumiputera? what do you think?

b. It is wise for the Gov to postpone / deliberate more on the executions of their economics planning, specially to accomodate the needs of the majority bumiputera.

c. It is important that the gov narrow down the ecominics gap between the majority bumiputera and the hugely succesful chinese malaysians. We dont want the country to be in chaos becoz of economic jealousy, becoz of the financial gap etc. We need to balance out the economy period.

d. But at the same time, a) do not deny all malaysians the right to do business, and b) ensure an efficient public services dept.

e. I think, we malaysian lot, are quite tolerant, we dont really go out and kill our neighbour, we just want to live happily with our families and perhaps some financial freedom.. or whatever people call them.

f. So to the BN lead gov., please pay more attention to the majority, we are the ones that voted for you... oppositions? the untrusthworthy PKR? the chauvinist DAP? the ISLAM in masquarade... ampeh! But they are the minority! Dont think too much abt them, but dont let them go scott-free for breaking the law.

h. heheh aku dah meraban.. traaaa

Thursday, March 11, 2010



Nice piece from bro GAP. tumpang pinjam yek.

11 March 2010: Anuar kata UMNO desperate?

The Malaysian Insider

hahaha.. nkorang bule pecaya ke si kunyit ni, selamba jek menuding jari ke pihak umno.

sapa yg kena sumbat sg buluh pasal menyalahguna kuasa untuk menakut2kan wanita yg hantor surat pasal kes salah laku nuar kat TDM?

itupun ada yg percaya lagik...... sheessssh

Al Jazeera English - Business - Rich list signals shift in fortunes

Al Jazeera English - Business - Rich list signals shift in fortunes

Bila agaknya akan ada nama melayu kat list nih..? *sigh*

11 March 2010 / 1908hrs

Sunday, March 7, 2010

7 March 2010 2243hrs: MCA AGM - 5 new resolutions!

Apa ni? dah terbongkok-bongkok nak menyembah bumi pun sempat nak demand2.  Semua benda dah di beri, itupun tak cukup gak?  Mari kita kupas satu-persatu...

Resolution 1:  Meminta kerajaan menambah pengambilan bukan bumiputera dalam perkhidmatan awam.
SM:  Memula sekali, kerajaan siap terpaksa buat extra advertisment untuk memujuk bukan bumiputera masuk perkhidmatan awam.  Cuma depa je (bukan bumiputera) yang tak berminat.  Iyelah susah nak dpt gaji besar kerana kena ikut seniority.  Depa cuma berminat kalo dpt naik cepat jek.  So, bukan kerajaan tak buat inisiatif, tapi juak2 depa yg tak mau.  Ini contoh resolusi bersifat chauvinistics/racists.  MCA memang dah takde sokongan pengundi cina, depa terpaksa menggunakan politic of perceptions untuk menunjukkan depat gah membela nasib kaum mereka yg jauh lebik elok berbanding kaum majoriti bumiputera.

Ishk tu baru resolusi nombor 1, aku malas plak nak mengupas pasal resolusi2 yg lain.  Pasal semuanya pasal nak mintak itu dan ini, kalo betul2 nak, bagila undi dulu....  Depa sampai berani naik kepala, mintak supaya kerajaan menilai semula hukuman fizikal terhadap perempuan bumiputera.  Aik, dah berani mencampuri urusan agama rasmi Malaysia, Agama Islam??  Kalo kita masuk campur hal agama depa bule?

Kesimpulannya, MCA memang dah tak relevan lagik.  Org2 grassroot MCA pun tak support MCA, cemana MCA nak support BN?

Datuk Sri PM, or think tank UMNO, pikir masak2 masa buat allocation kerusi untuk pilihanraya, cuma letak calon2 MCA/MIC di tempat yg ada majoriti kaum mereka.  Jgn bagi muka.  Kalo depat dpt bagi undi, ok, kalo tak at least UMNO bule dpt vote kesian daripada orang2 melayu.  Ni kita bagi kerusi org2 melayu, lepas tu depa nak pulak kritik kita balik, demand mcm2. ishk... Melayu mudah lupa!

Ngantuk nak tido....

Sila baca dibawah sedutan dari UTUSAN ONLINE

MCA lulus lima resolusi, minta penambahan bukan bumiputera

07/03/2010 6:38pm

KUALA LUMPUR 7 Mac – Perhimpunan Agung Tahunan MCA (AGM) Ke-56 yang berakhir di sini hari ini, meluluskan lima resolusi merangkumi 16 perkara di bawah usul politik, hal ehwal kerajaan, pendidikan, sosial dan ekonomi, serta budaya.

Antara yang diluluskan sebulat suara oleh para perwakilan yang hadir ialah meminta kerajaan menambah bilangan pengambilan bukan bumiputera dalam perkhidmatan awam.

Langkah itu akan memberi peluang kenaikan pangkat dan kebajikan dapat diberikan secara adil selain lebih ramai masyarakat daripada pelbagai kaum dapat menyertai sektor awam.

Bagi isu politik, perhimpunan agung itu juga meminta kerajaan melaksanakan sepenuhnya perubahan dan inovasi kepada struktur dan mekanisme pentadbiran Barisan Nasional (BN) supaya konsep perkongsian kuasa dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan.

Parti itu juga menggesa kerajaan mengiktiraf Sijil Peperiksaan Bersepadu (UEC) yang ditawarkan oleh semua sekolah persendirian Cina selain menyediakan peruntukan kepada sekolah terbabit supaya lebih ramai pelajar yang berbakat dapat dipupuk.

Kerajaan juga digesa untuk terus mengamalkan dasar pendidikan yang lebih liberal dan berbilang kaum supaya lebih banyak sekolah vernakular boleh ditubuhkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam program pembangunan nasional.

Mengenai isu ekonomi, MCA yang menyokong penuh usaha kerajaan melaksanakan Model Ekonomi Baru, meminta kerajaan membuat pertimbangan sewajarnya ketika menilai dasar-dasar ekonomi supaya tidak menyulitkan kehidupan rakyat yang dibebani dengan pelarasan tarif air, elektrik serta tol.

Resolusi lain termasuk gesaan terhadap semua jabatan kerajaan seperti Kementerian Pelajaran dan Biro Tata Negara (BTN) untuk mengubah suai kursus mengikut fakta sejarah dan menyerapkan konsep 1Malaysia ke dalam kurikulumnya.

Langkah itu berupaya menanam pengertian sebenar sejarah dalam diri pelajar selain bebas daripada pemikiran yang hanya berlandaskan kaum.

MCA turut meminta kerajaan menilai semula hukuman fizikal terhadap golongan wanita beragama Islam dan bertindak atas dasar pertimbangan kemanusiaan dengan mematuhi persetujuan yang diterima pakai “Konvensyen Penghapusan Semua Bentuk Diskriminasi Terhadap Wanita” (CEDAW). – Bernama


Ulasan dibawah ni, cuma pendapat saya sendiri, renung2kan lah...

Fakta 1: PR menang besar PRU yg aritu adalah hasil daripada kelemahan Tun Lah. Bencinya rakyat kepada Tun Lah & his 4th Floor boys, esp. the likes of KJ and the gang, di'translate'kan kepada kemenangan besar puak2 chauvinist dpt DAP, puak2 yang menggunakan agama Islam untuk kepentingan politik, dan kepandaian puak2 PKR memanipulasikan apa yang dipanggil 'Politics of perception', yg betul jadi salah, dan yg salah jadi betul. It helps as most malays are as what TDM has always said all along, MELAYU MUDAH LUPA! Lagipun Nuar Berahi memang pandai meng'chameleon'kan dirinya mengikut tempat, masa, taraf kecerdikan pendengar2 setianya di ceramah2 politik parti pembangkan.

Fakta 2: UMNO pun mudah lupa gak! Tak ingat lagik, cemana Tun Lah menaikkan harga minyak dengan quantum yg agak tinggi (masa tu harga semua benda naik, tapi sampai la ni harganya tak turun2 balik, walaupun kerajaan telah menurunkan harga minyak!!) *sigh*

Fakta 3: Umno mudah lupa part 2: Rakyat semua masih membenci si trojan KJ, tak caya pi la bas stand klang ke, kedai kopi ke, tanyalah apa depa cakap pasal KJ. Saya percaya kebanyakan komen adalah bersikap negatif terhadap si KJ (anwaribrahim in the making...). Cuba tanya, nape dia (KJ) selalu turun singapore?

Fakta 4: Umno mudah lupa part 3: Ingat tak dulu, antara percaturan pertama Nuar berahi ketika dia start berangan nak jadik pm dulu? Zahid Hamidi lah pentas propaganda Nuar Berahi, zahid hamidi lah jugak yg membesar isu nepotisme, kronisme. Err.. kalo adik/abang nko jadik CEO BSN, tu bukan kronisme and nepotisme ke?Anyway, astas arahan sapa nko membesar2kan citer kronisme/nepotisme di masa kat perhimpunan agung umno tu dulu? Semua orang tahu dia orang Nuar berahi. Tapi kenapa dia nampak macam penting jek untuk UMNO? Kenapa nampak dia mcm cuba mengsabotaj kepimpinan Najib? Kenapa dia suka sgt kalo KJ jadik menteri? Ada kena mengena ke, between Nuar berahi, si zahid nepotisme, dah si KJ the kitol?

Fakta 5: Umno mudah lupa part 4: Kenapa UMNO mcm dah lupa jek asas perjuangan yg sebenar? cuba baca artikel yg membuka minda ini >> Apa yg Husni pikir? cukup berani membelakangkan kehendak pengundi melayu dan anak2 sabah dan sarawak (which is roughly abt 64% of the total votes)? Org2 UMNO, tolonglah... for crying out loud!! Buta ke? Tak nampak ke? P Ramlee kata kalo tak nampak tu tanda nak mampos!

Fakta 5: DAP & PAS cuma menggunakan Nuar berahi saja, pasal ntah macam mana ramai gak esp dari juak2 melayu yg buta hati yg percaya kat si Nuar berahi ni. DAP & PAS gunakan Nuar berahi utk mendapat undi yg lebih, kerana tanpa si nuar kaki kelentong ni, DAP & PAS takkan dapat undi dari orang2 mesia. Iyerlah, dah sah DAP parti komunis cina bertopeng moden, dan PAS cuma ustaz2 yang kaki kelentong dan menggunakan islam, dan sebok menjadi tuhan dengan mengkafirkan sesama Islam yang lain.

Fakta 6: Dan akhirnya, dengan kemenangan mereka yg agak memeranjatkan PRU yang lepas, telah menonjolkan sifat2 mereka yg selama ni tak nampak sgt. La ni smua orang dah nampak. Tapi kalo tak nampak gak..... melayu memang pengemis di negeri sendiri.

ps: tak mau komen pasal court case nuar berahim pasal malas nak layan dah!


6th March 2010: Ada baiknya juak2 PR (read PAS, PKR & DAP) menang aritu..

Ulasan dibawah ni, cuma pendapat saya sendiri, renung2kan lah...

Fakta 1: PR menang besar PRU yg aritu adalah hasil daripada kelemahan Tun Lah. Bencinya rakyat kepada Tun Lah & his 4th Floor boys, esp. the likes of KJ and the gang, di'translate'kan kepada kemenangan besar puak2 chauvinist dpt DAP, puak2 yang menggunakan agama Islam untuk kepentingan politik, dan kepandaian puak2 PKR memanipulasikan apa yang dipanggil 'Politics of perception', yg betul jadi salah, dan yg salah jadi betul. It helps as most malays are as what TDM has always said all along, MELAYU MUDAH LUPA! Lagipun Nuar Berahi memang pandai meng'chameleon'kan dirinya mengikut tempat, masa, taraf kecerdikan pendengar2 setianya di ceramah2 politik parti pembangkan.

Fakta 2: UMNO pun mudah lupa gak! Tak ingat lagik, cemana Tun Lah menaikkan harga minyak dengan quantum yg agak tinggi (masa tu harga semua benda naik, tapi sampai la ni harganya tak turun2 balik, walaupun kerajaan telah menurunkan harga minyak!!) *sigh*

Fakta 3: Umno mudah lupa part 2: Rakyat semua masih membenci si trojan KJ, tak caya pi la bas stand klang ke, kedai kopi ke, tanyalah apa depa cakap pasal KJ. Saya percaya kebanyakan komen adalah bersikap negatif terhadap si KJ (anwaribrahim in the making...). Cuba tanya, nape dia (KJ) selalu turun singapore?

Fakta 4: Umno mudah lupa part 3: Ingat tak dulu, antara percaturan pertama Nuar berahi ketika dia start berangan nak jadik pm dulu? Zahid Hamidi lah pentas propaganda Nuar Berahi, zahid hamidi lah jugak yg membesar isu nepotisme, kronisme. Err.. kalo adik/abang nko jadik CEO BSN, tu bukan kronisme and nepotisme ke?Anyway, astas arahan sapa nko membesar2kan citer kronisme/nepotisme di masa kat perhimpunan agung umno tu dulu? Semua orang tahu dia orang Nuar berahi. Tapi kenapa dia nampak macam penting jek untuk UMNO? Kenapa nampak dia mcm cuba mengsabotaj kepimpinan Najib? Kenapa dia suka sgt kalo KJ jadik menteri? Ada kena mengena ke, between Nuar berahi, si zahid nepotisme, dah si KJ the kitol?

Fakta 5: Umno mudah lupa part 4: Kenapa UMNO mcm dah lupa jek asas perjuangan yg sebenar? cuba baca artikel yg membuka minda ini >> Apa yg Husni pikir? cukup berani membelakangkan kehendak pengundi melayu dan anak2 sabah dan sarawak (which is roughly abt 64% of the total votes)? Org2 UMNO, tolonglah... for crying out loud!! Buta ke? Tak nampak ke? P Ramlee kata kalo tak nampak tu tanda nak mampos!

Fakta 5: DAP & PAS cuma menggunakan Nuar berahi saja, pasal ntah macam mana ramai gak esp dari juak2 melayu yg buta hati yg percaya kat si Nuar berahi ni. DAP & PAS gunakan Nuar berahi utk mendapat undi yg lebih, kerana tanpa si nuar kaki kelentong ni, DAP & PAS takkan dapat undi dari orang2 mesia. Iyerlah, dah sah DAP parti komunis cina bertopeng moden, dan PAS cuma ustaz2 yang kaki kelentong dan menggunakan islam, dan sebok menjadi tuhan dengan mengkafirkan sesama Islam yang lain.

Fakta 6: Dan akhirnya, dengan kemenangan mereka yg agak memeranjatkan PRU yang lepas, telah menonjolkan sifat2 mereka yg selama ni tak nampak sgt. La ni smua orang dah nampak. Tapi kalo tak nampak gak..... melayu memang pengemis di negeri sendiri.

ps: tak mau komen pasal court case nuar berahim pasal malas nak layan dah!